Our Services
Core Business Areas
The Geomatics profession is at the core of development in all spatial categories, whether it is in urban or rural environments; land acquisition, demarcation, detailing, and feasibility studies; are all part and parcel of what we do. These include providing land information that enables the design of infrastructure, the development of new settlements, and the setting out thereof.
This company is therefore committed to working hand in hand with all relevant professionals representing various organisations; including the government departments, municipalities, implementing agents, and private firms all of whom partake in the development of our country. Such professionals include those that form part of the Built Environment, but not limited to that, such as the Consulting Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Architects, Town-Planners, other Engineers, Attorneys, Project Managers, and Construction Managers.
Our scope of work includes:
Engineering Surveys
~ Setting Out of all Structures
~ Control Points Establishment
~ Earthworks Control
~ Engineering Surveys
~ Flood Line Surveys
~ Monitoring of Structures
~ Pipeline Strip Surveys and Setting Out
~ Powerline Profiling and Route Selection
~ Precise Engineering Surveys
~ Roads Setting Out
~ TMH11 Standards Road Cross Sections
~ Topographical Surveys
Cadastral Surveys
~ Certificate of Identity
~ Farm surveys
~ Land Audits
~ New Township Establishments
~ Subdivisions and Consolidations
~ Relocation of Boundary Beacons
~ Sectional-Titles
~ Servitude Surveys
Please contact us for more information!